

  1. 処理直前に文字コードeuc-jpに変換。
  2. qr演算子による正規表現パターンコンパイルは利用しない。
  3. 上記に加え、正規表現パターンを一部変更。
  4. 関数のリターン直前に文字コードutf-8に変換。


# Try to chop given string on a word boundary between position
# $len and $len+$add_len. If there is no word boundary there,
# chop at $len+$add_len. Do not chop if chopped part plus ellipsis
# (marking chopped part) would be longer than given string.
sub chop_str {
        my $str = shift;
        my $len = shift;
        my $add_len = shift || 10;
        my $where = shift || 'right'; # 'left' | 'center' | 'right'

        # allow only $len chars, but don't cut a word if it would fit in $add_len
        # if it doesn't fit, cut it if it's still longer than the dots we would add
        # remove chopped character entities entirely

        # when chopping in the middle, distribute $len into left and right part
        # return early if chopping wouldn't make string shorter
        if ($where eq 'center') {
                return $str if ($len + 5 >= length($str)); # filler is length 5
                $len = int($len/2);
        } else {
                return $str if ($len + 4 >= length($str)); # filler is length 4

        # regexps: ending and beginning with word part up to $add_len
# delete 2 line, add 2 line.
#       my $endre = qr/.{$len}\w{0,$add_len}/;
#       my $begre = qr/\w{0,$add_len}.{$len}/;
        my $endre = ".{0,$len}\w{0,$add_len}";
        my $begre = "\w{0,$add_len}.{0,$len}";

# add 2 line.
        Encode::from_to($str, 'utf-8', 'euc-jp');
        if ($where eq 'left') {
                $str =~ m/^(.*?)($begre)$/;
                my ($lead, $body) = ($1, $2);
                if (length($lead) > 4) {
                        $body =~ s/^[^;]*;// if ($lead =~ m/&[^;]*$/);
                        $lead = " ...";
# delete 1 line, add 1 line.
#               return "$lead$body";
                $str = "$lead$body";

        } elsif ($where eq 'center') {
                $str =~ m/^($endre)(.*)$/;
                my ($left, $str)  = ($1, $2);
                $str =~ m/^(.*?)($begre)$/;
                my ($mid, $right) = ($1, $2);
                if (length($mid) > 5) {
                        $left  =~ s/&[^;]*$//;
                        $right =~ s/^[^;]*;// if ($mid =~ m/&[^;]*$/);
                        $mid = " ... ";
# delete 1 line, add 1 line.
#               return "$left$mid$right";
                $str = "$left$mid$right";

        } else {
                $str =~ m/^($endre)(.*)$/;
                my $body = $1;
                my $tail = $2;
                if (length($tail) > 4) {
                        $body =~ s/&[^;]*$//;
                        $tail = "... ";
# delete 1 line, add 1 line.
#               return "$body$tail";
                $str = "$body$tail";

# add 2 line.
        Encode::from_to($str, 'euc-jp', 'utf-8');
        return $str;

